Early warning system of natural hazards and decrease of climate impact from aviation
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Aviation safety can be jeopardised by multiple hazards arising from natural phenomena, e.g., severe weather, aerosols/gases from natural hazard, and space weather. Furthermore, there are the anthropogenic emissions and climate impact of aviation that could be reduced. To mitigate such risk and/or to decrease climate impact, tactical decision-making processes could be enhanced through the development of multi-hazard monitoring and Early Warning System (EWS). With this objective in mind, ALARM consortium has implemented alert products (i.e., observations, detection and data access in near real-time) and tailored product (notifications, flight level — FL contamination, risk area, and visualization of emission/risk level) related to Natural Airborne Hazard (NAH, i.e., volcanic, dust and smoke clouds) and environmental hotspots. New selective detection, nowcasting and forecasts of such risks for aviation have been implemented as part of ALARM prototype EWS. This system has two functionalities. One is to provide alerts on a global coverage using remote sensing from satellites and models (focus on NAH, space weather activity and environmental hotspots). A second focuses on detecting severe weather and exceptional SO2 conditions around a selection of few airports, on providing nowcasts and forecasts of risk conditions.