Previous Engage KTN
catalyst fund projects
Target Users
Catalyst funds aim to enhance collaboration between industry and researchers during early concept development, promoting the transition of new ideas to higher maturity levels through financial support and access to industrial collaboration environments.
Below you will find the final technical reports from the previous Engage KTN catalyst fund projects.
First wave projects (2019-2020)
C1. Probabilistic weather avoidance routes for medium-term storm avoidance (‘PSA-Met’)
C2. airport-sCAle seveRe weather nowcastinG project (‘CARGO’)
C3. Authentication and integrity for ADS-B
C4. Data-driven trajectory imitation with reinforcement learning
C5. A Data-drIven approach for dynamic and Adaptive trajectory PredictiON (‘DIAPasON’)
C6. Operational alert Products for ATM via SWIM (‘OPAS’)
C7. An interaction metric for an efficient traffic demand management: requirements for the design of data-driven protection mechanisms (‘INTERFACING’)
C8. MET enhanced ATFCM
C9. Exploring future UDPP concepts through computational behavioural economics
C10. The drone identity – investigating forensic-readiness of U-Space services
Second wave projects (2020-2021)
C11. Proof-of-concept: practical, flexible, affordable pentesting platform for ATM/avionics cybersecurity (‘ATM-cybersec’)
C12. Safe drone flight – assuring telemetry data integrity in U-Space scenarios (‘SDF’)
C13. Flight centric ATC with airstreams (‘FC2A’)
C14. Meteo Sensors In the Sky (‘METSIS’)
C15. Probabilistic information Integration in Uncertain data processing for Trajectory Prediction (‘PIU4TP’)
C16. Collaborative cyber security management framework
C17. Role of Markets in AAS Deployment (‘RoMiAD’)
C18. Weather impact prediction for ATFCM (‘WIPA’)